POETRY SUBMISSIONS: 1 Long Poem max 40 LINES (or 3 Short POEMS)
Please note that you won't be disqualified if it exceeds the limits a bit.
Early Bird Entry Fee £9.50 --> Deadline 15th March
Regular Entry Fee £10.50 --> Deadline 15th April
Final Deadline Fee £11.50 --> Deadline 15th May
Extended Deadline Fee £12.50 --> Deadline 15th June
Entries Close £13.50 --> Deadline 15th July
There is no limit for submissions per writer, but please submit one entry at a time. Thanks!
Thanks for your interest in our competition! We will be open to submissions soon! Subscribe to our website and follow us on social media!
London Independent Story Prize is a not-for-profit organisation. The entry fees go towards the submission reading costs and also to help to ensure the future viability of the London Independent Story Prize and the organisation’s other activities, such as online publishing, print publishing and educational events.
Thank you for your support to keep LISP Independent.
Award Lists of the London Independent Story Prize for 2024 can be found via this link. Click Here.
We offer 25 free entries for UK writers who are on a low income – for example receiving benefits such as Job Seeker’s Allowance, Working Tax Credits, Universal Credit, Disability Living Allowance, Carer’s Allowance and Employment and Support Allowance please email us (your name-postal address- email and a short letter about you and how you meet the criteria) for free entry. Please note that this is only for Creative Writing Categories (Flash Fiction-Short Story-Poetry-StagePlay) entry@londonindependentstoryprize.co.uk . Writers must contact us at least two weeks before the final deadline.